The origins of Xing Yi are most often attributed to Yue Fei; the famous general from China. Although as with Bagua; much of the history of Hsing I is not known for sure. Xing Yi (also known as Hsing I or Hsing I Chuan) means simply stated "Shape" and "Mind/Intention." Xing Yi Chuan could be translated as "Form Intention Fist."
Xing Yi Quan is the Major Art and Specialty of Bagua Academy
Xing Yi places strong emphasis on the development of focus, concentration and internal strength. The use of the whole body and developing higher levels of co-ordination are important in training. Like Bagua and Tai Chi; Hsing I is also one of the major three Chinese internal martial arts. While training can be active, Hsing I is beyond purely physical exercise and uses meditation as a means of self-development.
Xing Yi is excellent for developing self-protection abilities, assertiveness and a positive sense of confidence. Hsing I and Bagua, while different have from long ago been very closely related.
Xing Yi and Self Protection Abilities
Xing Yi Quan may appear simpler on the surface than Bagua, although looks can be deceiving. Under the surface lies intricate and complex details that are not apparent.
While Xing Yi is an advanced internal art, one fantastic benefit of the path is that it develops, in even beginning students at Bagua Academy - the clear ability to protect oneself. These abilities develop naturally through training, as students explore a vast curriculum of exercises and methods.
Xing Yi develops active, assertive Self Defense skills, that start on a fundamental level and can become very advanced.
The Emotional Strength to Deal with Confrontation
The same ability can be used to face conflict without unnecessary emotion, overcome health issues and dealing with emotional blockages, such as insecurity or lack of confidence.
Xing Yi Quan is a spiritual discipline and once the foundations of self-defence abilities are firmly established, many students naturally become interested in Qi Gong, Meditation, Breathing Exercises and Spiritual Development.
Does Xing Yi Require Physical Size, Weight and Mass to Be Successful in Training?
No, not at all. While Xing Yi is focused initially on developing obvious internal power, it is like Bagua and Tai Chi an Internal Martial Art which seeks to use The Power Of The Opponent rather than one's own strength.
Xing Yi training is also a very practical way of helping to strengthen people who are more introverted and less physically inclined. For more extroverted people Xing Yi is an excellent bridge into meditation.
The basis of Xing Yi is focused on introspection. It is through this inner focus one develops Inner Strength and Physical Transformation.

The Nei Gong Process in Xing Yi Quan
At Bagua Academy every stage of Xing Yi training follows specific Nei Gong exercises in a process of internal strengthening and transformation.
This process could be compared to laying the foundations for a complex circuit board with many layers and levels of insulation. Another metaphor could be the craftsmanship involved in making a high quality sword - with many stages forging, heating, cooling, purifying and refinement.
Put simply, there is a lot beneath the surface of Xing Yi and much more than meets the eye.
The Nei Gong Process is different for each individual student in the school.
Xing Yi as a complete form of Internal Alchemy
While Xing Yi is clearly a martial art that is clear, obvious and direct on the superficial level - it also functions as an infinite and complex system of Internal Alchemy.
It is a system of Internal Alchemy that through the use of a vast array of breathing exercises, visualization, meditation and study of the meridians - transforms the physical body and mind of the practitioner.
While transformation may seem to be subtle - on the physical level, the body does change in a way that can be obvious to feel and see. These changes are brought about not through any heavy mechanical exercises, but through the use of the mind and meditation. Training beyond the superficial combines the use of Yin Yang and Five Elemental Theory as well as the I Ching - creating a framework for lifelong practice.
Training Xing Yi equals positive transformation for your physical body as well your emotions and inner world.

Clearly A Martial Art
While Xing Yi is a deep Internal Art, a form of meditation and system of alchemy - it can never be forgotten that it is most definitely a martial art.
From beginning stages to advanced levels - the Martial aspect of Xing Yi is obvious for anyone to see.
A Lifelong Path
There is a multitude of martial arts styles in the world, although within the many choices there are very few that are able to be practiced into senior and advanced age.
Most ways of training can be hard on the physical body, making it hard to continue beyond middle age. Many professional martial artists peak in their 30s (sometimes 20s) and then face decline in speed and performance thereafter.
It is definitely possible to continue Xing Yi beyond middle age into senior and advanced age. Moreover, Xing Yi thrives, succeeds and excels at later stages in life.
There are many regenerative exercises within Xing Yi that help to oxygenate and strengthen the body - transforming weariness into abundant vitality beyond the confines of age or stage in life.

Benefits of Xing Yi Quan and How Xing Yi Training at Bagua Academy Can Help You
• Xing Yi builds strong legs. Xing Yi training is not easy and the demands it requires over time, can lead to a massive boost in leg strength.
• A Highly Practical Martial Art Focused on The Effectiveness of Every Movement
• Builds Self-Defense skills that are active in nature (rather than passive)
• Xing Yi can be Vigorous - Building a Lean Toned Physique and providing Cardiovascular Exercise
• Favors Simplicity over Complexity at the Initial Stages of Training
• Xing Yi is suited to apply under high pressure. While, many martial arts focus on specific techniques to do in response to another technique - Xing Yi focuses on the Mental State or Emotional Intelligence as the priority. Helping students learn how to deal with conflict, obstacles, or challenging situations.
• Xing Yi can help students build a positive and success-oriented outlook on life. Enhancing creativity, confidence and focus.
• Increases Whole Body Strength and Coordination
• Transforms Stress into Vitality and Relaxation
• Xing Yi builds within the practitioner the ability to reach goals at a pace that suits them without tension or pressure
• Plyometric Strength - From Intermediate to Advanced Levels deals with the concept of levels and working on different terrain. This area of training can be adjusted to each student based on inclination, age and fitness level. (For senior aged students this phase is trained more gently.)
• Learn to use the Power of the Opponent
• Xing Yi is a Spiritual Martial Art focused on Qi (Chi). Students Gain knowledge of meridians, channels and how to co-ordinate these systems, while studying the Energetic Structure of the Human Body
• Xing Yi is a life-long Internal Art which excels into advanced age
• A complete system of Neigong and Internal Alchemy